SACAB Structure

SACAB Structure 2018-02-21T12:35:12+00:00

The South African Computer Accreditation Board (SACAB) consists of representatives from the following stakeholders:

  • The Institute of IT Professionals of South Africa (IITPSA); (Formally known as the South African Computer Society);
  • The South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT);
  • The Southern African Computing Lecturers Association (SACLA); and
  • CS/IS/IT Head of Departments at HEIs in S.A.

Figure 1: SACAB structure

Figure 1 provides a visual representation of the SACAB structure, linking the SACAB with the Seoul Accord and four stakeholders. The stakeholders are three members from the IITPSA, two members from SAICSIT, two members from SACLA and two members from the S.A. SACLA HOD’s forum. Two additional members have further been co-opted from Comprehensive universities. The IITPSA maintains the link to the Seoul Accord. An administrative department manages the daily operations of the SACAB and the various committees responsible for accreditation visits and reviews.

The current SACAB representatives are:

  • IITPSA: Mr Tony Parry (CEO: IITPSA), Ms Moira de Roche (IITPSA / IP3 / UJ), Mr Adrian Schofield (IITPSA/IP3/Wits).
  • SAICSIT: Prof Jan Kroeze (President: SAICSIT), Prof MachdelMatthee (SAICSIT).
  • SACLA: Prof Andre Calitz (SACAB Chair), Dr Linda Marshall (UP).
  • HODs: Prof Carina de Villiers (UP), Prof Isaac Osunmakinde (UNISA) alternative Dr Wynand van Staden (UNISA).
  • Co-opted members: Prof Bennett Alexander (CPUT), Prof Richard Millham (DUT).