SACAB link to the Seoul Accord

SACAB link to the Seoul Accord 2018-02-21T06:34:51+00:00

The Seoul Accord is an international accreditation agreement for professional computing and information technology academic degree programmes, between the bodies responsible for accreditation and recognition of tertiary-level computing and IT-related HEI qualifications in its signature countries. Established in 2008, the signatories are Australia (ACS), Canada (CIPS), Chinese Taipei (IEET), Hong Kong China (HKIE), Japan (JABEE), Korea (ABEEK), the United Kingdom (BCS) and the United States of America (ABET). South Africa, through the IITPSA, is a provisional signatory of the Seoul Accord, alongside New Zealand, Ireland and the Philippines. 

Once full signatory status is granted, accredited computing degree programmes will be formally recognised across all signatory countries as meeting robust international best practice standards for computing undergraduate degree programmes. The Seoul Accord mutually recognises tertiary level computing and IT qualifications between the signatory agencies. Graduates of accredited programs in any of the signatory countries are recognised by the other signatory countries as having met the academic requirements as IT professionals.